Totally custom solar panel mounting structures
Designed exactly to your needs, manufactured & delivered by a local fabricator near you

6 Panel solar bracket, taking advantage of cross-reflection to increase panel daily efficiency

2 Panel solar structure, shade support & 100kg rated swing / hammock attachment point. Granada, Spain
Around end-2018 we realised there was a bit of a unfilled niche in the market; providing custom engineered bespoke solar panel structures. Given our structural engineering experience we can rapidly design and code-check elegant custom structures. We can work from client sketches or explanatory ideas and client measurements initially, to develop the design on 3D CAD. This lets our clients see what the structure will look like in-place.
There are plenty of solar installation contractors who will install regular rails and mounting brackets – that isn’t the area we serve. What we give our clients is the ability to place a structure that adapts to their environment so that they can fit solar panels where usually it isn’t possible, perhaps due to building geometry or lack of available roof space.